
I get it. This is always the first page I come to when I’m shopping around.

Unfortunately I’m going to pull out my ‘how long’s a piece of string?’ card. But TL:DR my day rate is £475 and my 1:1s are £150 for 60mins, £200 for 90mins. If that works for you, complete this form for projects or eMel me for a Zoom 1:1.

Some copywriters price per word. Not me. Ironically it can take longer to write a short, effective bit of copy than it does to pen a longer piece.

If priced at 50p/word Nike’s ‘Just Do It’ would’ve pulled in a whopping £1.50 for the copywriter. Swoosh.

Pricing per word doesn’t take into account the essential thinking time needed to come up with a gem.

It also makes it more likely that a copywriter will say what's needed and then continue to ramble on for ages and ages like I’m doing now just to try and incrementally (and shamelessly) keep on increasing the word count by typing more and more, word-by-word, step-by-step (‘ooh babyyyy, gonna get to you giiiiirl’)* for as long as they possibly can, even if it means they end up adding totally and utterly superfluous additional bonus words just to put extra meat, gristle, sinew, fat, skin, hair, clothes and a waterproof raincoat on the bones of the copy, to try and keep bumping up the word count total - really chunk it up - because if you think about it every word that they add brings them in a little tiny bit more cash for the job, so why the heck wouldn’t they just keep waffling because at the end of the day isn’t that what we’re all here to do each day I mean we work to bring home the bacon (veggie in my case, though I do eat fish, just for info), because we need be a breadwinner, make bank, pay the bills, kerching ba-bling badda bing, make it rain those sweet dolla dolla bills y’all and by the way one thing you should know about me is I really want to buy a camper van so I’ll wang on all day long if it pays more to do so but no actually scrap that I'm lying I have complete integrity so you can totally trust me because look, I'm warning you right now, so in conclusion as you can quite clearly see from this overly tedious and endless example, if you price per word you’ll give the copywriter no incentive to be succinct and you’ll end up with a bloated gassy great big heaving gutful of steaming lukewarm words like this, when all I really wanted to say is that I like to use…

words that count, not word counts.

If I've worn you down already complete this to work with me. If not, read on.

So when I price up a job I take into account:

  • how much research is involved

  • what the end goal is

  • the type of copywriting

  • the value it’ll bring to you as the client

  • whether it's urgent - if you need me to pull all-nighters to fit it in then it'll cost more, call it the Cranky Mel Fee.

*Context for the new kids on the block.

“I apologise for such a long letter - I didn’t have time to write a short one.”

- Mark Twain. Or someone. Accounts vary. You get the idea.

Bringing in a freelancer, especially for short-term projects, is often more cost effective than employing a member of staff.

You can book me for a retainer, or blast your copy projects with a short-term intensive booking e.g. a Month Of Mel.

I’m really nice. I promise.

Find out for yourself, fill in this form.

To give you a ballpark,

ProCopywriters 2023 survey found an average day rate of £440

…and my day rate is £475.

So I guess I’m £35 better than average (kidding, it doesn’t work like that)

I’ll say it one more time,
fill in this form to apply to work with me.

I just really like the form.