Get eyes and ears on your brand

and think outside the bots

Complete my briefing form or
take a scroll down Melanie lane...

A pink, black and white picture of Mel Barfield, a white woman with short dark hair pulling a thinking face.

I write copy to get attention.

Without resorting to cheesy puns. I avoid them as a roulé.


You won’t win fans just shouting about how great you are. You need to show people what’s in it for them. I’ll help you convert prospects into punters through persuasive copywriting.

Copy 1:1s

60 or 90 minute 1:1s over Zoom (if you’re a Teams person let’s call it quits now) to sort your copy in a live edit sesh. Enjoy the show.

Verbal Identity/ToV

We’ll work together to define and deliver your unique Verbal Identity / Tone of Voice (they aren’t the same thing but I won’t get all nerdy about it here, I respect the sanctity of the home page).


Know what you want to say, but need to make it…‘less crap’? I’ll red pen your ramblings to give your copy more punch.

The quickest way to get the ball rolling is by filling in this briefing form. Get used to seeing the word briefing form because it’s sprinkled over this website like parmesan on a pizza.

“Funny, witty, brilliant at what she does.”

Dave Harland, The Word Man

Not a below average copywriter.”

Ben McKinney, Copy Or Die

*dramatic voiceover* This time, it’s personal.

In the old days we were happy reading the back of a bottle of Wash ‘n’ Go. Now we've got the whole world in our hands.

We’re soooo easily distracted. It’s a wonder you’re still reading this, tbh.

You need powerful, punchy copy now more than ever, to stand out in a sea of AI-generated sludge. If your brand voice is weak or inconsistent, fill in this briefing form. I’ll then get in touch to discuss how we can strengthen it up.

I’m an award-winning Copywriter (2024 WiM Awards). I got it for a tone of voice/verbal identity document, with the judge Vikki Ross saying “Brilliantly presented guidelines from start to finish - love seeing the what and the how so neatly explained throughout, making the whole document educational in more ways than one. It's clear how much effort has gone into every page - it's so comprehensive and tight. Informative, interesting and inspiring.”

Okay, but what does it cost?

Short answer? It depends. Annoying, I know. I go into things in more detail here.
Spoiler alert, £500/day.

Complete a briefing form or email me on but be warned if you email I’ll just send you the same exact briefing form anyway.

A keyboard with blue, white and orange leaning against the wall.

I love writing brand copy, packed with personality. I do have a mortgage to pay though, so I’ll write boring stuff too if you insist. Over a decade in local government means I can slip into a coma-inducing dull tone of voice at the flick of a switch. It’s a party trick with limited appeal, admittedly.

And I enjoy copyediting existing long-form copy. I don’t know why, maybe it’s the power trip or something. Makes me feel like a teacher when I whip out that red pen. Email me if you want me to shake my head at how bad your copy is.

“She’s annoyingly good.”

Richard Gosling, Bychoice

“Mel made it so easy.”

Imogen Wood, Socially

I can help with…

  • headlines, straplines, bylines, deadlines

  • tone of voice / verbal identity work

  • billboards, cheeseboards, keyboards

  • landing pages, web copy, email campaigns

  • product descriptions, packaging copy

  • clients who know what they actually want

We’ve come a long, long way together.
Almost all the way to the end of this page.

What now?

If you think we’d make a good team, let’s get to know each other better.

Fill in this briefing form, then we can arrange a chat about what you need.

Hope to see your face soon.